Honora Spicer is a writer and experiential educator interested in place-based practices of public humanities. As a history instructor at El Paso Community College, she led the Mellon Humanities Collaborative project ‘Carceral Geography in El Paso, TX: Creating Soundwalks to Experience Disappeared Histories.’ Her current book project, POST BOND, is an excavation of ongoing United States empire in one square mile in El Paso, TX. Through a spatial analysis of proximate federal institutions and following routes of transportation, capital, and language, this study follows intersecting historical roles of the postal service, customs enforcement, immigration enforcement and NASA in transforming space into frontier, port, and prison. The project incorporates historical research, essay, and documentary poetry. In 2024, she is researching and writing as a PhD candidate in History at Harvard University.
Statement: “I’m so grateful for the spaciousness and generosity of presence that faculty and participants offered through the Visualizing Abolition workshop. It was a space for vital reflection on how ethical and political commitments deepen our scholarship, and I left energized to both continue writing in more experimental ways, and to continue building organizing relationships alongside my research. It was also a rare moment of rest and perspective in a beautiful place, full of conversations that can only unfold with full presence and calm focus.”