Rachel Wallis worked in collaboration with Miriam Kaba on Anguilla Quilt, 2021 . At the center of the quilt a chain gang image references the 1947 murder of prisoners by a warden and guards at a labor camp outside of Anguilla, Georgia. The names of the men killed have been sewn on the rough-spun hemp and cotton blend quilt, materializing the state’s history of forced labor and oppression. On the quilt’s four corners this history unfolds over time, with a map of Georgia’s enslaved population on Civil War’s eve; a map of Georgia’s carceral facilities today; a map of lynchings, by county, dated 1877-1950; and a map of police killings dated 2010-2020.
Rachel Wallis is a community-taught crafter, artist, and activist living in Chicago.
Mariame Kaba is an organizer, educator, archivist, and curator living in New York.