Institute of the Arts & Sciences Announces Winter Exhibitions
Mia Eve Rollow & Caleb Duarte: EDELO and Levester Williams: Our Bedrock Exhibition Dates January 31 - April 6, 2025Opening Reception Friday...
Film Screening: An Opera of the World
February 13, 2018
5:30 -6:45 pm
Digital Arts Research Center (DARC) 108
This event is FREE and open to the public. Parking is available in the Performing Arts lot (pay at the pay station).
Manthia Diawara is a celebrated filmmaker and cultural theorist. He collaborated with author Ngûgî wa Thiong’o in making the documentary Sembène: The Making of African Cinema (1994), and has directed numourous films, including Rouch In Reverse (1995); In Search of Africa (1997); Bamako Sigi-Kan (2003); Who’s Afraid of Ngugi? (2006); and Negritude: A Dialogue Between Wole Soyinka and Senghor (2015). His most recent film, An Opera of the World (2016) premiered at dOCUMENTA 14.
Diawara has also published widely on the topic of film and literature of the Black Diaspora. He is the author of Black-American Cinema: Aesthetics and Spectatorship (1993), African Cinema: Politics and Culture (1992), and In Search of Africa (1998). Dr. Diawara is Director of NYU’s Institute of Afro-American Affairs and Director of the Africana Studies Program. A native of Mali, he received his education in France and later traveled to the United States for his university studies. He has taught at the University of California at Santa Barbara and the University of Pennsylvania.