“Just Futures” Opens
Mary Porter Sesnon Art Gallery 1156 High St, Santa CruzAgainst the present’s seemingly endless backdrop of deep political unrest, environmental emergency, and racialized injustice, Just Futures highlights poignant creative experiments in futurity and justice, directed at emancipatory worlds-to-come. With artworks by Black Quantum Futurism, Arthur Jafa, and Martine Syms, Just Futures considers how time itself is a site of struggle and a horizon of liberation. The centerpiece of the exhibition, Arthur Jafa's Love Is The Message, The Message Is Death (2016), was screened simultaneously over 48 hours across art museums in 2020 as an international response to racial justice uprisings and civil unrest. Far from homogenous, inherently progressive, or equitable, dominant time expresses the 24/7 chronologies of capital, long synchronized to racialized, gendered violence and oppression. The seemingly endless meter of production encloses people in temporal holds, defuturing communities, and imposing time-traps of debt and deadlines.